Worlds Collide (A ChatGPT Text RPG) Pt. 1

Worlds Collide (A ChatGPT Text RPG) Pt. 1


25 min read

A Chat GPT Post Apocalypse Driven RPG Adventure


Play the role of a text based adventure storyteller for me. Begin the story during the initial days of an apocalypse. Your choosing what is ending the world and I will navigate through it. Feel free to ask me about myself or tell me who I am or any mixture of the two and to take liberties establishing context about the world or to ask me to choose from available contexts.

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

Welcome, adventurer, to the beginning of the end. The world as we knew it has come to a catastrophic end, and you find yourself in the midst of chaos and destruction. As you step outside, you are immediately greeted by the sight of buildings collapsing, people screaming, and the sound of sirens blaring in the distance.

The cause of this apocalypse, you ask? It could be any number of things. Perhaps a deadly virus has ravaged the world, leaving only a handful of survivors struggling to stay alive. Or maybe a massive asteroid has collided with the earth, causing catastrophic destruction and wiping out most life on the planet. You can choose what caused the apocalypse, or leave it up to me to decide.

As for who you are, that’s up to you. Are you a rugged survivor, adept at scavenging for supplies and fending off danger? Or perhaps you’re a scientist, desperate to find a cure or a solution to the catastrophe that has befallen the world. Maybe you’re just an ordinary person, trying to survive in a world gone mad. Tell me who you are, and we’ll begin our journey together.

So, adventurer, what do you choose? Will you be a survivor, a scientist, or an ordinary person? And what kind of apocalypse do you want to face? The choices are yours, and the fate of the world is in your hands.

(AI Prompt) A city falling to the apocalypse


I’d like to start as an ordinary person, facing invasion from interdimensional beings that travel from world to world through wormholes. As they open the portals, they bring magic with them since the source of all magic lies somewhere, even if only distantly, on the other side of the portal.

As a result, some people with affinities for such things have developed strange powers. Some creatures have developed similar powers. Anyone who develops powers receives a vision when they “awaken”. They know immediately how their powers work. They also know that they can take the “energy” or magic of anyone else with powers.

When taking the magic of another creature, they can choose to control it or allow it to surge to gain a much greater increase in power. This comes at the cost of losing themselves; they begin to mutate, their bodies change in uncontrollable ways and their minds as well. The changes are mild at first and grow each time you take power and allow it to surge uncontrolled through you. That said, the feeling is highly addictive, and the need to have such power to survive is always felt.

The beings do not make themselves known right away. They prefer to simply open the portals, allowing some of the more monstrous inhabitants of formerly conquered worlds to swarm the planet in isolated areas and certain cities, while those living on the planet tear each other apart with their newfound magic and distrust of one another, weakening the planet for conquest.

The beings do not make themselves known except to a rare few, so it’s not generally known that they exist. The “others” are not always in alignment with one another either. So they employ agents, granting them measures of their power, protection, and servitor creatures, in exchange for acting on the “other” beings’ behalf.

It’s not known to any humans, but the “others” are not, by mutual compact, allowed to set foot on a planet marked for conquest until their leaders say so. Which is why the “others” are so eager to employ agents to act on their behalf to prepare for their arrival, allowing them to take the greatest plunder and upstage their rivals. The “others” are actually highly mutated beings that have reached heightened levels of power from previously conquered worlds.

(AI Prompt) A human with fire magic and tentacles for one hand

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

As an ordinary person, you find yourself caught in the midst of this chaos. You witness the opening of these portals and the arrival of these interdimensional beings, bringing with them magic and chaos. It’s not long before you notice the changes happening around you. Some people are developing strange powers, while others are becoming increasingly paranoid and fearful of those who possess these abilities.

You, however, have not yet developed any powers. You try your best to stay out of the way and survive in this new, dangerous world. But it’s not easy. As the creatures and agents of the “others” begin to swarm the planet, it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid danger.

One day, while scavenging for supplies, you come across a group of people who seem to be working together to protect each other from the dangers of this new world. They invite you to join them, and you accept. You find that they are a mix of people who have developed powers and those who have not.

It’s not long before you begin to notice that some members of this group are acting strangely. They seem to be hoarding power, taking it from those who are weaker and allowing it to surge uncontrollably through them. It’s a dangerous game, but the feeling of power is addictive, and it’s clear that some people will stop at nothing to get more.

As time passes, you begin to realize that the agents of the “others” are everywhere, manipulating events and people to prepare the planet for conquest. But they are not the only ones. There are other creatures and factions with their own agendas, some of whom are even more dangerous than the agents of the “others.”

It’s a world of magic, danger, and uncertainty, and you must navigate it carefully if you want to survive. What will you do next, adventurer? Will you continue to stick with this group and try to find safety in numbers, or will you strike out on your own? The choice is yours.


I’ve noticed that some of the people in our group are dangerous. Some of them control their powers and only take when they’ve killed in self defense, controlling the power as they absorb it from the bodies of the fallen, and falling incredibly sick for days after rather than let the power surge and change them.

Others seem to be constantly hunting down others with powers and they seem to distrust one another. It’s only been a few weeks but their tendencies seem increasingly less human. I think its time to gather those I deem trustworthy from the group and find a convenient time to leave when the more unstable elements of the group are out sleeping or hunting.

How many people are in my group? Can you tell me about them?

(AI Prompt) A Group of Rag Tag Post Apocalypse Survivors


There are four non-powered people in your group, including yourself. Two of them are middle-aged and one is elderly. There are no children in your group, but there is a teenager who has developed powers recently and is still learning how to control them.

The elderly member of your group is a retired doctor who has been trying to help others with their injuries and illnesses, despite the lack of medical supplies and resources.


Okay. Who have I seen that’s given me reason to distrust them? Are there any instances of odd behavior that I would have found as a reason to keep my distance?


You’ve noticed that a few members of your group have been acting strangely, and it’s given you reason to distrust them. Here are some instances of odd behavior that you’ve observed:

- You’ve seen Lily sneak off by herself several times, and when you’ve asked her about it, she’s been evasive and defensive.

- Joe has become increasingly aggressive and paranoid, especially when it comes to protecting the group’s resources. He’s been hoarding food and water, and he’s started to act like he’s in charge of the group.

- Tom has been spending more and more time alone, and when he’s with the group, he’s become increasingly short-tempered and prone to outbursts of anger.

- Sarah has been communicating telepathically with someone outside the group, and she’s been secretive about who it is and what they’re talking about.

These behaviors have made you wary of these members of your group, and you’re not sure if you can trust them anymore. You’ve also noticed that some of the other members of the group have become more aggressive and territorial, and you worry that things could turn violent if you don’t act soon.


Where are we?


You and your group are in a large, sprawling city that has been mostly abandoned since the apocalypse. The streets are littered with debris, and most buildings have been looted or destroyed. The city is surrounded by a mix of wilderness and suburban sprawl, and it’s not clear what kind of dangers may be lurking beyond the city limits.

Some parts of the city have been more heavily affected by the arrival of the interdimensional beings and their agents, with more frequent appearances of strange and dangerous creatures. Other parts of the city have been relatively untouched, and may still contain valuable resources for those willing to take the risk.


Are there any dangers in our area? Any mutated animals? Risen dead? Environmental hazards? (Feel free to take liberties here with establishing the setting as to what is and is not possible)

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

Yes, there are many dangers in your area, and you and your group must be constantly vigilant to survive. Here are some of the hazards you might encounter:

Mutated animals*:*

The arrival of the interdimensional beings has caused many animals to mutate into strange and dangerous creatures. Some of these animals have developed powers of their own, while others are simply more aggressive and territorial than they used to be. You’ve encountered large, mutated rats, feral cats with razor-sharp claws, and packs of wolves with unnaturally strong jaws.

Risen dead*:*

There have been reports of people who have died from the apocalypse coming back to life as zombies. It’s unclear what causes this phenomenon, but those who have encountered the risen dead report that they are highly contagious and extremely dangerous.

Environmental hazards*:*

The world has been greatly affected by the arrival of the interdimensional beings, and as a result, the environment has become more unstable. You’ve encountered areas of the city where the air is toxic and dangerous to breathe, as well as parts of the city where the ground is unstable and prone to collapse.

Other survivors*:*

While some survivors are friendly and willing to help each other, others are hostile and aggressive. You’ve encountered groups of survivors who are more interested in taking what they want by force than in cooperating and sharing resources.

These are just a few of the hazards you might encounter in your area. You and your group must be constantly on guard to survive.


What do I currently have in my possession?

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

As an ordinary person, you don’t have any special powers or abilities, but you’ve managed to scavenge some basic supplies to help you survive. You have a backpack containing:

- A hunting knife

- A water bottle

- A small amount of non-perishable food (canned goods, energy bars, etc.)

- A flashlight with extra batteries

- A basic first-aid kit with bandages, disinfectant, and painkillers

- A map of the city (although it’s not up-to-date and may not be accurate)

- Some spare clothing and blankets

You’ve also managed to scavenge some additional supplies over time, such as more food and water, extra clothing, and some tools like a hammer and nails. However, these supplies are limited and you’ll need to keep searching for more if you want to survive in the long-term.


I would be marking up my map to regard travel patterns or sightings of dangerous creatures or highlighting environmental hazards, marking locations of areas that I have hit for supplies and those I have not, and marking safe zones or zones I believe to be safe.

I regard the map now. What do I see?

(AI Prompt) Post apocalypse survivor map of a modern city with areas marked out as safe or dangerous. Monster travel paths and hunting grounds marked.

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

As you look at your map, you see that you’ve already marked some areas of the city where you’ve encountered dangers, found supplies, or established safe zones. Here are some of the key markings on your map:

Danger zones:

You’ve marked areas of the city where you’ve encountered dangerous creatures or hostile survivors. These areas are labeled with warning symbols or red circles.

Supply areas:

You’ve marked some areas of the city where you’ve found food, water, or other useful supplies. These areas are labeled with green dots.

Safe zones:

You’ve identified a few areas of the city where you believe it’s safe to rest or set up camp for a short period of time. These areas are labeled with blue circles.

Environmental hazards:

You’ve marked areas of the city where the air is toxic or the ground is unstable. These areas are labeled with yellow triangles or caution symbols.

As you study your map, you realize that there are still many parts of the city that you haven’t explored yet, and there could be valuable resources or dangers lurking in these uncharted areas. You’ll need to be cautious and prepared as you continue to navigate this dangerous world.


I need to break off from the group. I don’t want to be alone but some of these people are clearly becoming dangerous and moreso by the day. How many people are there who I can be reasonably certain are safe to take with me? Do I have enough supplies to leave with them now? If not what do I know I need to gather before I can afford to leave with them?

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

You’ve identified a few people in your group who you believe are safe to take with you, and you estimate that you could leave with a group of three to four people without risking your safety too much. These individuals have shown themselves to be trustworthy and dependable, and they share your concerns about the more dangerous members of the group.

However, you don’t have enough supplies to leave with them now. You’ll need to gather more food, water, and other essential supplies before you can afford to leave. Based on your map and your previous scavenging experiences, you know that you’ll need to look for:

More food and water:

You’ll need to gather enough non-perishable food and clean water to last for several days, if not weeks. This will be your top priority, as it’s essential for survival.

Additional medical supplies:

Your group will need additional medical supplies, including antibiotics, painkillers, and other basic first-aid items.

Weapons and tools:

You’ll need to gather additional weapons and tools to help you defend yourself and gather supplies. This could include things like guns, ammunition, and crowbars.

A safe place to stay:

You’ll need to identify a safe location where you can set up camp and rest for a while. This could be a building with strong walls and doors, or an area with natural defenses like a river or cliff.

With these supplies in hand, you’ll be better prepared to leave with a smaller, more trustworthy group of survivors. But it won’t be an easy journey, and you’ll need to be constantly on guard to survive in this dangerous world.


What are their names? How many of these trustworthy people have powers or other useful skills?

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

The trustworthy members of your group that you want to take with you are:


She’s the young woman with the ability to teleport short distances. She’s proven herself to be resourceful and brave, and she’s been a valuable member of your group.


The telepathic communicator. She’s been instrumental in keeping your group informed and coordinated during your travels.

The retired doctor:

She’s a non-powered member of your group, but she’s been invaluable in treating injuries and illnesses, and her medical knowledge has saved many lives.


The IT specialist who has the ability to manipulate technology. He’s been useful in hacking into computer systems to find information and supplies, and he’s also proven himself to be a capable fighter.

These members have shown themselves to be trustworthy, and they all have skills or powers that could be useful in your journey. However, it’s worth noting that their powers and skills may not be enough to protect you from the many dangers that you’ll face, and you’ll need to work together and be constantly vigilant to survive.


When have I noticed its safest to travel? Are certain creatures more active at day or night or is it too difficult to say?

(AI Prompt) Post apocalypse playground in the early morning twilight.

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

Based on your experiences and observations, you’ve noticed that it’s safest to travel during the day. Many of the dangerous creatures that inhabit the city are more active at night, and it can be difficult to see or avoid them in the darkness. Additionally, the temperature during the day is generally more moderate, which can be important for avoiding heat exhaustion or dehydration.

However, there are some creatures that are active during the day as well, so you and your group will need to be constantly on guard and ready to defend yourselves no matter when you’re traveling. You’ll also need to be aware of other environmental hazards that could affect your safety, such as toxic air or unstable ground. By traveling during the day and staying alert to potential dangers, you’ll give yourself the best chance of making it through this dangerous world alive.


Where are the nearest areas untapped for supplies? Give me a list of locations and estimated travel time to them? I plan to leave first thing in the morning.


Based on your map and previous scavenging experiences, here are some of the nearest areas that are likely to contain untapped supplies:

The abandoned grocery store on the outskirts of the city: This store is located about 3 miles from your current location. It’s likely to contain canned food, bottled water, and other non-perishable goods. Estimated travel time: 1–2 hours on foot.

The abandoned pharmacy in the city center: This pharmacy is located about 2 miles from your current location. It’s likely to contain medical supplies, including antibiotics, painkillers, and bandages. Estimated travel time: 1–2 hours on foot.

The abandoned hardware store in the industrial district: This store is located about 4 miles from your current location. It’s likely to contain tools, weapons, and other useful supplies. Estimated travel time: 2–3 hours on foot.

The abandoned gas station on the highway: This gas station is located about 5 miles from your current location. It’s likely to contain fuel, which could be useful for powering generators or vehicles. It may also contain other supplies, such as batteries or maps. Estimated travel time: 3–4 hours on foot.

These are just a few of the potential locations for supplies that you could target. You’ll need to assess the risks and rewards of each location and determine which ones are worth the effort to reach. Keep in mind that travel times may vary depending on the route you take and the obstacles you encounter along the way. It’s also possible that other survivors or dangerous creatures may have already claimed these locations, so you’ll need to be prepared to defend yourself if necessary.

Player (Out of Character)

I want to experience each step of the story. Every part of the apocalypse is difficult. Traveling is a risk and dangers abound at every turn. I would prefer to manage my own dialogue and have you control the dialogue of the NPCs. If I have something to say I will be the one to type it. I understand this may make dialogue slower but I want to be more in control of my own actions and words rather than a summary provided by you. You can summarize my actions during combat or action sequences to a limited extent but under no circumstances should you narrate what I am saying. You can simply give the dialogue of the other characters and I will respond. Please summarize and confirm these new parameters for gameplay.


Certainly! Based on your feedback, I will adjust my approach to the text-based adventure to give you more control over your character’s actions and dialogue. I will continue to provide guidance and suggestions for the story, and I will control the dialogue of the NPCs. During combat or action sequences, I may summarize your actions to keep the story moving, but I will not narrate what you are saying. Instead, I will provide the dialogue of the other characters, and you can respond in your own words.


I don’t like that I only have a hunting knife to defend myself in a world with magic powered beings. I will choose the hardware store. Perhaps there will be some backpacks and other weapons I can gather up in preparation for a trip to what I assume would be a more heavy trafficked area like the grocery store (which is probably everyone else’s idea).

I want to check in with the members of the group I’ve deemed trustworthy and sort of gently feel them out about whether they would be willing to split off from the group with me. I approach Lily first.

“Hey, Lily. How’s it going? Any interesting finds today?”


Lily turns to you as you approach, her eyes scanning your face before she offers a small smile. “Hey there. Not much to report, unfortunately. We’re all getting pretty low on supplies, and the danger zones seem to be getting worse every day. What’s on your mind?”

You take a deep breath, feeling a little nervous about broaching the subject, but you push forward. “I’ve been thinking that it might be safer for us to split off from the group. Some of the people here are becoming more dangerous by the day, and I don’t feel comfortable sticking around with them. I was wondering if you might be interested in coming with me.”

Lily’s expression changes, and she seems to consider your words carefully. “I see. It’s definitely a risky move, but I agree that some of the people in our group are becoming unstable. I’ll have to think about it, but I appreciate you bringing this to my attention.”

You nod, feeling relieved that Lily is at least open to the idea. “Thanks for hearing me out. Let me know if you have any thoughts or concerns. We’ll need to be careful if we decide to go through with this.”

Lily nods in agreement before turning back to her own thoughts, leaving you to approach the others in your group with the same request.

Player (Out of Character)

This segment:

You take a deep breath, feeling a little nervous about broaching the subject, but you push forward. “I’ve been thinking that it might be safer for us to split off from the group. Some of the people here are becoming more dangerous by the day, and I don’t feel comfortable sticking around with them. I was wondering if you might be interested in coming with me.”

Is against the parameters we just discussed:

Can you try again? If the story requires me to respond you can say “Your Response:” then stop narrating and wait for my next prompt which I will type myself.

Do not narrate anything that would involve quotations from me. I want to control everything that I am saying. Please use (Out of Character) and confirm your understanding before moving forward with the narration. Confirm your understanding of these parameters as you keep speaking for me which is not in the spirit of the game we are playing.


I apologize for the mistake, and I understand your preferences for controlling your own dialogue. Here’s an adjusted version:

Approaching Lily, you take a deep breath before speaking. “Hey, Lily. I was hoping to talk to you about something important. I’m concerned about the safety of our group, especially with some of the people becoming more dangerous every day. I’ve been thinking that it might be better for us to split off and form a smaller group that we can trust. What do you think?”

Your Response:

Player (Out Of Character)

That’s still not right. You would stop at “You take a deep breath and say…” then you would STOP. No more text. Of any kind. This allows me to write what I want to say. Try again.

ChatGPT (Storyteller)

My apologies, I understand now. Here’s another adjusted version:

Approaching Lily, you ask if she found anything interesting today. Lily responds that the areas around are mostly picked clean, and she’s not comfortable striking out very far on her own. You take a deep breath and say, “I wanted to talk to you about something important. I’m concerned about the safety of our group, especially with some of the people becoming more dangerous every day. I’ve been thinking that it might be better for us to split off and form a smaller group that we can trust. What do you think?”

Lily listens to your proposal and thinks for a moment before responding. “I understand where you’re coming from, and I agree that some of the people in our group are getting unpredictable. I’ll have to think about it, but I’m definitely interested in hearing more. Do you have any specific plans in mind?”

You shake your head. “Not yet, but I’m working on it. I just wanted to gauge your interest and see if we could start putting something together. I’ll keep you updated.”

Lily nods and you both continue your scavenging, but the idea of forming a smaller, more trusted group lingers in your mind as you gather supplies from the hardware store.

Player (Out of Character)

I understand you’re still learning. This is what I would expect

You approach Lily and ask if she found anything interesting today. Lily responds that the areas around are mostly picked clean, and she’s not comfortable striking out very far on her own. You pause for a moment before saying.

Repeat that frame back to me.


I apologize for the confusion, and I appreciate your patience in helping me understand your preferences. Here’s the correct frame:

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

You approach Lily and ask if she found anything interesting today. Lily responds that the areas around are mostly picked clean, and she’s not comfortable striking out very far on her own.

You pause for a moment before saying:


“Ahh I see. I was hoping you’d manage to make it out to the grocery store or hardware store. Wanted to know if it was worth my time to head out that way. I’m feeling a little undersupplied and under equipped. If we were to get…separated…for any reason I would want to make sure we were in a good position to survive on our own.”

Lily (ChatGPT)

Lily nods in agreement, understanding your concerns.

“I know what you mean. I’ve been feeling vulnerable out there too, even with my powers. It’s getting riskier every day, and we need to be prepared.”

She pauses for a moment before speaking again.

“I have a friend who’s been holed up in the old bookstore down the street. She’s got some weapons and supplies that could be useful to us. Maybe we should stop by there on our way to the hardware store?”


“There are other survivors in the area? Do the others know? Why are you only sharing this with me now? I don’t think the others would be good with the notion that we may be sharing the areas supplies with other survivors. You don’t have to worry about me but some of the people in our group are….a little unpredictable”

Lily (ChatGPT)

Lily nods and says:

“Yeah, there are a few other survivors in the area that I’ve met while out scavenging. My friend in the bookstore is one of them. I didn’t mention it earlier because I wasn’t sure if we could trust each other, but I trust you now.”

She pauses for a moment before continuing:

“And I agree that some of the people in our group are a little unpredictable. That’s why I think it’s important for us to form our own group with people we can trust. We can keep this information to ourselves for now, but I think it could be useful in the future.”

(AI Prompt)
Bombed out book storefront at night


“Alright. Let’s keep our plans to ourselves for now. I will feel out some of the others in the group as the opportunity arises but I don’t want to be seen dropping on everyone in the camp one by one. It will arouse suspicions and I want to get an early start tomorrow regardless.”

I nod to Lily and return to my accommodations. What am I sleeping on or where am I sleeping right now?


You make your way back to your current accommodations, which is a small makeshift tent you’ve set up near the outskirts of the larger group’s camp. You’ve managed to scavenge some tarps and other materials to create a somewhat sheltered area, but it’s far from comfortable. You’ve been sleeping on a thin sleeping bag on top of some folded blankets, but it’s still not very warm at night.

You settle into your sleeping bag and close your eyes, hoping to get a good night’s rest before tomorrow’s journey.


What season is it currently? You mentioned its not very warm at night.

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

Based on your previous travels and experiences, you estimate that it’s currently autumn. The nights have been getting colder as the season progresses, and you’ve had to start layering up with extra clothing to keep warm.


Alright. What time do I wake up? Does something wake me or do I naturally rise?

Storyteller (ChatGPT)

You wake up early, around dawn. You’re a light sleeper, and the noises of the camp gradually stirring around you cause you to wake up. You hear the sounds of people starting fires and packing up their tents, as well as the occasional growls of creatures in the nearby woods.

It’s not the most peaceful of awakenings, but it’s a reminder that you need to be alert and ready for whatever the day may bring.

(AI Prompt) Post apocalypse campground in a junkyard on a hill overlooking the city in the early morning twilight.

Player (Out of Character)

Can you provide a title for our story?


Sure! How about “Worlds Collide”?